Advanced Chinese Course of "Department Compilation System"

The curriculum is basically synchronized with grades 1-6 in primary schools in China.

Referring to domestic textbooks and taking into account the characteristics of overseas students, targeted adjustments are made to the teaching content and methods. The classroom is lively and interesting.

The curriculum is suitable for overseas students who are native to Chinese and have strong listening, speaking, reading, and application abilities in Chinese

"Departmental system"
Advanced Chinese courses


Thinking ability

Aesthetic perception

Culture extension

Expressing communication

Reading accumulation

Main content and objectives of the course
  • S1-S4
  • S5-S8
  • S9-S12
Language and writing

1. Understand commonly used words related to human body and behavior, the four directions of heaven and earth, all things in nature, family life, school life, and social life. S4 has learned a total of 1600 Chinese characters and can write 800 Chinese characters</ P>

2. Master the basic strokes and commonly used radicals of Chinese characters, be able to write with a hard pen according to the basic stroke order rules, understand the importance of spacing structure, and have a preliminary experience of the beauty of Chinese characters</ P>

3. Learn Chinese Pinyin. Can accurately pronounce initial consonants, finals, tones, and recognize syllables as a whole. Can accurately spell syllables, correctly write initial consonants, finals, and syllables</ P>

Reading accumulation

1. Able to understand the meaning of words and phrases in the text by combining context, and accumulate vocabulary through reading. Understand the commonly used punctuation marks in the text and appreciate the different tones expressed by periods, question marks, and exclamation marks while reading</ P>

2. Read short articles about personal life, family life, and school life, recognize the relevant Chinese characters in the pictures and texts, and feel the beautiful family and classmates</ P>

3. Read simple fairy tales, fables, and stories, yearn for beautiful situations, and care about nature and life. Recite nursery rhymes, children's poems, and simple ancient poems, engage in imagination, gain preliminary emotional experiences, and feel the beauty of language</ P>

Expressing communication
1.Be able to listen attentively to others and understand the main content of the speech.
2.I know how to use polite language and have a natural and generous attitude when talking to others.
3.Listening to stories, watching movies and TV shows, able to retell the main idea and the plot that interests oneself.
4.Can tell small stories in a more complete manner and briefly share experiences that interest oneself.
5.Be able to write down what you want to say or imagine appropriately. Learn to use commas, periods, question marks, and exclamation marks.
Language and writing

1. Able to perceive the connection between the form, sound, and meaning of commonly used Chinese characters, establish a preliminary connection between Chinese characters and things and behaviors in daily life, and gain a preliminary understanding of the cultural connotations of Chinese characters. S8 has learned a total of 2500 Chinese characters and can write 1600 Chinese characters</ P>

2. In the process of language accumulation and application, experience the role of synonyms, antonyms, and other words, discover and feel the expressive and creative power of language</ P>

3. Recite and accumulate idioms, allusions, famous Chinese cultural sayings, short ancient poems and fresh words, wonderful phrases, etc., enrich vocabulary, and have a preliminary understanding of the ideas contained in excellent traditional Chinese culture</ P>

Reading accumulation

1.Be able to read the text correctly, fluently, and emotionally in Chinese. Learn to read silently, without speaking or pointing. Learn to skim and have a rough understanding of the main idea of the article.

2.Be able to connect with the context, understand the meaning of words and phrases, and appreciate the role of key words and phrases in expressing emotions in the text. Can use dictionaries, dictionaries, and life experiences to understand the meaning of new words. In the process of understanding sentences, experience the different usage of periods and commas, and understand the general usage of colons and quotation marks.

3.Be able to grasp the main content of the article and appreciate the thoughts and emotions expressed in the article. Learn reading methods such as dots and annotations. Be able to raise questions about parts of the text that are not understood, and enjoy discussing and communicating with others.

4.Can retell the main idea of narrative works, have a preliminary understanding of the vivid images and beautiful language in the works, care about the fate and emotions of the characters in the works, and communicate one's reading experience with others. Recite excellent poetry and prose, pay attention to experiencing emotions, unfolding imagination, and comprehending the main idea of poetry and prose during the recitation process.

Expressing communication

1. Able to converse in Chinese, grasp the main content during conversation, and be able to briefly paraphrase</ P>

2. Able to seek advice from others on areas of misunderstanding and communicate different opinions with others</ P>

3. Able to clearly articulate observations and express one's feelings and thoughts</ P>

4. Can vividly and concretely tell the story plot</ P>

5.Being able to record one's observations, feelings, and imaginations about daily life and the world around them. According to the expression needs, use punctuation marks such as colons and quotation marks correctly.

Language and writing

1. Strong independent literacy skills. S12 has learned a total of 3000 Chinese characters and can write 2500 Chinese characters</ P>

2. Able to perceive the characteristics of Chinese character construction and word formation, and appreciate the wisdom contained in Chinese characters</ P>

3 Recite excellent poetry and prose, sort out language materials such as idioms, allusions, aphorisms, and couplets accumulated by oneself according to themes, and try to apply them to daily reading and writing activities to enhance the expression effect</ P>

Reading accumulation

1. Proficiently use Chinese to read the text correctly, fluently, and emotionally. Silent reading has a certain speed, learning to browse, expanding knowledge, and collecting information as needed</ P>

2. Able to connect context and personal accumulation, infer the meaning of relevant words and phrases in the text, distinguish the emotional color of words, and experience their expression effect. In the process of understanding the text, experience the different uses of stops and commas, semicolons and periods</ P>

3. Understand the expression order of the article during reading, appreciate the author's thoughts and emotions, and have a preliminary understanding of the basic expression methods of the article. Dare to express opinions and make your own judgments in communication and discussion</ P>

4. Read narrative works, understand the synopsis of events, be able to briefly describe the most memorable scenes, characters, details, and express one's feelings of love, hatred, reverence, longing, sympathy, etc</ P>

5. Read poetry, grasp the general meaning of poetry, imagine the situation described in the poem, and experience the emotions of the work. Infected and motivated by excellent works, yearning for and pursuing beautiful ideals</ P>

6. Read explanatory articles, be able to grasp the key points, and understand the basic explanatory methods of the article. Reading simple discontinuous texts can help identify valuable information from combination materials such as graphics and text. Try reading through multiple media</ P>

7.Read the entire book, grasp the main content of the text, actively recommend and explain reasons to classmates.

Expressing communication

1. Willing to communicate with others, able to respect and understand each other</ P>

2. Willing to participate in discussions, daring to express one's own opinions, and expressing one's own views clearly</ P>

3. Be able to prepare slightly and make simple speeches based on the target audience and occasion</ P>

4.Can write simple factual and imaginative essays, with specific content and genuine emotions. Be able to express in segments according to the needs of the content.

Course prices
  • 60minute

total 10class hour

$30.00 /class hour

96 + people have purchased this course in the past 30 days

total 50class hour

$26.00 /class hour
$30.00/class hour

117 + people have purchased this course in the past 30 days

total 100class hour

$23.00 /class hour
$30.00/class hour

136 + people have purchased this course in the past 30 days

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